Cufon - Fonts for the people

Cufon text does not appear in Internet Explorer

In case you encounter any problems with your site's cufonized fonts try to update you rendering engine to the latest version. On October 24 they released released version 1.09i, which is the same as 1.09 but IE9-compatible. Keep in mind that you do not need to convert your font generated files again, just replace your old cufon-yui.js with a new one and you're good to go.

twitter bug

Twitterizer: Solving the 401 bug when calling "GetAccessToken" or "GetRequestToken"

I recently encountered a strange bug using the Twitterizer API. I couldn’t call “GetAccessToken” without getting a 401 error. After searching about it, I found out that other people encountered the same bug by calling the “GetRequestToken” method (see more info here).  The correct way to get an access token using the twitterizer API is using the following source code sequence: The source code above may crash on the last line. The bug is probably caused by wrong timestamps, Twitter is sensitive to server time inaccuracies. The rash of issues lately is apparently caused by the clocks on Twitter’s servers being...