Panagiotis Tzamtzis - Digital analytics consultant & Web developer

9 management styles, plus tips for applying each type

The article on this link discusses the impact of different management styles on productivity and employee retention. Then introduces nine common management styles and suggests ways to maximize their effectiveness. It is noted that a manager’s personality plays a significant role in their leadership approach, and while they can adapt their style to the company and team, some aspects remain personal. Most importantly always remember the importance of being true to oneself as a manager for the benefit of everyone involved. Sign up to receive updates about new posts!

Easy Apache Airflow alerts

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform for programmatically authoring, scheduling, and monitoring workflows. It allows you to create complex data pipelines that can be executed on a schedule, triggered by an event, or manually. When self-hosting Airflow, it is crucial to keep track of what’s happening in your workflows to ensure everything is running smoothly. Without proper monitoring and alerting, it’s easy to miss critical issues that could cause your workflows to fail or produce incorrect results. These issues could be anything from a misconfigured task to a problem with your infrastructure or dependencies. By setting up alerts, you can...

Differences between GA and BigQuery data

In the article “Bridging the gap between Google Analytics UI and BigQuery export” Minhaz Kazi, a developer advocate for Google Analytics, provides an explanation for why the numbers in BigQuery event export data may not match the standard reporting surfaces in Google Analytics. The article clarifies that while the intended purpose of BigQuery event export data is to provide users with more customized options for data analysis, the standard reporting surfaces use pre-processed database tables, which include Google Analytics’ value additions such as modeling and traffic attribution, and thus these two data sources are not always expected to be reconcilable....

5 keys to successful teams

Do you think that high-performing and capable individuals make successful teams? Think again! Google’s People Operations team has identified five key dynamics that make a team effective. These dynamics are: Of these, psychological safety was found to be the most important, as it underpins the other four. Psychological safety enables team members to take risks, admit mistakes, partner with others, and take on new roles without fear of negative consequences. Teams that adopted new group norms, such as sharing risks taken in the previous week, improved their psychological safety and structure and clarity ratings. You can find more details on...