Panagiotis Tzamtzis - Digital analytics consultant & Web developer

5 keys to successful teams

Do you think that high-performing and capable individuals make successful teams? Think again! Google’s People Operations team has identified five key dynamics that make a team effective. These dynamics are: Of these, psychological safety was found to be the most important, as it underpins the other four. Psychological safety enables team members to take risks, admit mistakes, partner with others, and take on new roles without fear of negative consequences. Teams that adopted new group norms, such as sharing risks taken in the previous week, improved their psychological safety and structure and clarity ratings. You can find more details on...

Business Undercover podcast

"Να είσαι θερμοστάτης, όχι θερμόμετρο" είναι μια φράση που άκουσα πριν μερικά χρόνια από έναν guru του χώρου και μου έχει μείνει καρφωμένη στο μυαλό από τότε! Το θερμόμετρο είναι μια συσκευή η οποία μόνο καταγράφει δεδομένα, ενώ ένας θερμοστάτης μετατρέπει τα δεδομένα και σε ενέργειες. Αν καταφέρουμε να έχουμε περισσότερους "έξυπνους θερμοστάτες" στην διάθεση μας όταν αναλύουμε δεδομένα, θα μπορέσουμε να διαχειριστούμε και πολύ μεγαλύτερο όγκο αλλά και να επιταχύνουμε τις αντιδράσεις μας σε αυτά.

Parsing web sitemaps using JavaScript

Recently I came across an interesting project by Sean Thomas Burke called Sitemapper. This is a mini framework, which can be used to parse through sitemap XML files to get all included URLs. Such functionality is necessary when crawling through websites, as the sitemap (usually) holds an up-to-date list of all website URLs. In most cases this list should be enough when designing a crawler and you wouldn’t need to crawl manually the website and create a list of URLs. Sitemap parser: Sitemapper Sitemapper is a well-maintained and well-documented, open-source library offering the following features: Follows redirects Supports gzip sitemaps...

Tracking Pageviews in Analytics using page visibility (by Philip Walton)

I came across an interesting alternative approach from Philip Walton. He explains clearly why all websites cannot work with the default definition of a page view in Analytics and how we someone could start using the page’s visibility state (using the Page visibility API). Unfortunately this post was originally published in 2017 and still until today, even though Single Page Application (SPA) websites are widely used, we reply mostly on complicated implementations to virtually create page views for analytics tracking. Another alternative to this problem is to use an Event Driven Data Layer (EDDL), but I like the simplicity of...

Scalable website audit for analysts using the cloud

Scalable website audit for analysts using the cloud – Dev fest Hellas 2020

Enterprise websites split across many regions and locales are huge, but every page matters. Keeping track of the website’s quality, across all pages and on different devices, is a complicated and time-consuming process. It requires the constant evaluation of page performance, web analytics implementation accuracy, accessibility, and SEO audits.Baresquare developed an automated solution to keep track of website changes and website quality. This is a scalable solution built on GCP, with cost and resources customized to the website’s size. The solution utilizes a customized version of Lighthouse SDK and a BigQuery database for keeping track of results. Analyzing results is...